Sunday, 29 March 2015


The words that we used the sages say are like the waters of rivers they do not pass the same way again.

Note that when it comes to family relationships, we avoid the use of the words junior and senior and rather go for older or elder or younger.

Thus we say or write:
His younger brother is in SHS 1.
Our elder brother has gone to Akatsi.

 The expressions it is time, it is about time, and it is high time are always followed by a verb in the past tense, unless the verb is preceded by to.


1.    It’s time we did something about our students’ performance.
2.    It’s about time I learnt some French.
3.    It’s high time the government paid teachers well.

 The expressions hardly had he and scarcely had he mean the same and must be followed by when, not that or than or then
·       Scarcely had she left when her husband called.
·       Hardly had he gone when his father arrived.
A different form of the same expression uses No sooner instead of hardly or scarcely and that takes than because of the element of comparison in the expression no sooner
·       No sooner had she left than her husband called.

·       No sooner had he gone than his father arrived. 

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